Archives for posts with tag: citizenship










Watching and reading the daily news filled with stories of deep divisions between people and countries, I have asked myself—Will we ever be able to overcome the chasms that divide us? After giving this a great deal of thought, I believe at least part of the answer lies in the simple recognition that we need each other.

I need you, neighbors in China, India, Japan, Ghana, Kenya, Brazil, Mexico, France, Israel, Spain, Syria, Palestine, Australia—and every other country.  I grew up, was educated and have lived my 92 years in the United States of America.  I am proud of its history, accomplishments and its people.  At the same time, we know so little about your particular language, economy, culture and history. I long to learn more about you because I believe you have much to contribute to the family of nations that would enrich us all, and I covet that enrichment for America.  I also believe there is much about our life in the United States that you would appreciate if you knew about it.  I am eager to share and to have you share with me.  I need you.

I need you, Mr. Republican.  I’ve been a Democrat ever since Franklin Roosevelt won me over.  I’m “dyed in the wool,” so to speak.  I am convinced that my religious faith requires that I care about the poor and listen to the ordinary person more than I listen to the rich and important.  I believe Democrats stand for that.   I am equally convinced that your faith has led you to your Republican ideas and view of life.  I’ve been so focused on Democratic ways of thinking that I need to pause and learn from Republicans.  So let us open our minds and hearts to each other.  I need you.

I need you, Ms. Roman Catholic, Mr. Lutheran, Mrs. Pentecostal . . . and Christians of all stripes.  I was reared in a Presbyterian home, graduated from a Presbyterian college and seminary—I’m a Calvinist through and through.  As a youth, I was taught that you are wrong and that my beliefs are right.  As an adult, I want to learn what God has revealed to you.  I am certain that your experience can increase the breadth of my faith, and maybe I have something to contribute to yours.  We will never know this while we are apart.  So let’s get together.  I need you.

I need you, believers who are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Animist . . . and of all faiths.

I suspect you feel the same need for God’s love as do I.  We have so much to learn from each other’s religious beliefs and to learn about each other.  We are starving ourselves when we should be feasting on our knowledge of one another and our mutual efforts to be faithful to God.  Let’s share the sameness and differences—but let’s share.  I need you.

I need you Ms. Atheist, Mrs. Agnostic, Mr. “Disbeliever.”  We have treated each other with suspicion and disdain for too long.  If I discover why you doubt or deny the existence of God, it may make me reexamine my faith.  If you discover why I believe in God, you might reexamine yours.  In either case, it will open our minds to each other and give us a new appreciation for how others view things.  I need you.

My need for knowledge requires that I search for truth—not only as I have learned it, but from others as they have learned it.  I talk a lot because I am eager to share the rich experience of my years.  However, I also listen a lot because I want to feed on the rich experiences of the lives of others.  So I need you!

It sounds idealistic to believe that we will be able to listen to each other when wars continue to divide our world and when the two political parties in the United States build a wall down the aisle of Congress even as my own Presbyterian denomination wages bitter debates over social issues.

Has there ever been a more urgent time than now to put aside our differences in order to gain the benefits available to us from one another’s religious, philosophical and political viewpoints!  I need you.  We need each other!

© Roland W. Anderson

My country, ‘tis of thee, for thee I ache.

The court changed  the meaning of our Constitution

“of the people , by the people and for the people”.

 Their  amendment reads:“of the corporations,

by the corporations, and for the corporations.”

Corporation CEO’s loll on deck chairs of their yachts,

While former employees sit, sobbing,  on the curb of their  foreclosed home.

NRA officials  mop up blood from our schools, And Mexican streets,

Clean the rubble from bomb damage  of several nations.

So the world won’t see its evil and give it a true label.

They  cry: “It is not the guns it is the perpetrators”

And gun owners echo their scornful cry,

While families of the victims  weep helpless tears.

American’s lust for drugs   funds  the Taliban and drug cartels,

as well as arming them with weapons made in the USA,

Make users insensitive to responsibity,

 and oblivious to the decaying of America.

Citizens:  let’s disarm these traitors

 and take back our country.

It all starts when sane citizens wake up,

ignore those TV persuasions,

And we use our minds and head for election booths.

If you were persuaded to put foolish faith

 in Norquist. Murdoch and the Kochs

Please  relent , and recover our “Trust in God.”

Let’s replace lobbyist- bought politicians,

With statesmen who want to unite and not divide our nation.

Supply the Court with sage judges,

Who realize the Constitution should not be a dam,

But a highway on which to march forward.

Let’s convince our citizens to holster guns,

And trust safety to officers of the law.

The best gun control is remove them from all potential abusers

Just consider how many youth we could educate,

How we could improve our education institutions,

If we used the billions spent on war and armed forces

To produce the  best leaders again for building world peace.

Let’s urge our youth to put aside their  electronic toys,

And start using science’s discoveries

To make our nation green, and save our world from disaster.

Look deep into your child’s eyes and pledge a better future;

As did our forebears like Jefferson, Madison and Washington.

Citizen:  Let’s take back America.

© Roland W. Anderson